姓 名 Name 中文 In Chinese: 林依晨
英文 In English: Mariana Ribeiro Vaz
出生日期 Birth Date: 1994 年 Year 月 Month 5 日 Day 6
性 别 Gender: 女 Female 国籍 Nationality: 巴西
留学时间 Studied Duration in HBU: 2019 年 Year 8 月 Month 至 to 2023 年 Year 7 月 Month
经费来源 Funding Source: 自费 Self-sponsured
员工类别 Student Status: 硕士研究生 Master
工作单位 Current Employer: 中国电建POWERCHINA
员工留言 Message from you:
"My years at Hebei University were not only academically enriching but also personally transformative.
The dedicated faculty, diverse student community, and the vibrant campus culture played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers who had a profound impact on my education and development.
Their guidance and mentorship were invaluable, and I am deeply appreciative of their dedication to their students.